I revisited the shots I got recently and overall I am pretty happy with them. It was definitely a learning experience though. I know that I don't want to be a wedding photographer. The couple I shot couldn't have been nicer, the location couldn't have been more beautiful, and the people at the wedding couldn't have been more accommodating of an obviously novice photographer. After it was all over I was imagining what would it have been like if everything went to hell and the people weren't so patient and friendly.
So, to the title of this thread. The reason I was looking back at the images was because my wife asked if I had anything I could hang up in our bedroom - she had three frames lying around and 8x10 mats. I immediately thought of some shots of these paper lanterns that were hanging in the barn where they bride and groom had their reception. The barn was beautiful, and these lanterns added just the right amount of light.

Oh, gorgeous lanterns!
I can't imagine doing a wedding without umbrellas and lights and an assistant. ACK. I'm glad you were successful!
those are beautiful photos. It is good you were able to experiance taking photos at a wedding that went off so well.
Beautiful lantern shots! You are a brave man to shoot a wedding. I would be totally freaked and always say no when asked. lol
great photos! I love photographing weddings, I got one this weekend.
I do LIKE those lantern shots-- gorgeous. Did your wife "approve" them? :) And, yeah, I'm with you on the wedding thing-- great for friends and nice people but what about the "social-wedding, stressed-out, it-all-must-be-perfect-to-the-exclusion-of-fun" couple?? ugh.
awww i like your story :) hehe i cant imagine how nerve racking it would be... but im glad it worked out and the lantern shots are quite lovely!! bravo
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